About Us

Welcome to Farmlike

Discover, Connect, and Grow – Unleash the Magic of a Farm Stay with Farmlike. Linking farmers to adventurous families for unique agritourism experiences and local food!

Our Mission

Revolutionize agritourism through connecting farmers with their ideal target audience and enable families to discover personalized agritourism, like a farm stay and km0 experiences.

Aligned with SDG 11, 12 & 15, we aim to promote sustainable farming practices, foster biodiversity conservation, and create meaningful connections between urban and rural areas.


Committed to SDG 15 (Life on Land) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), by 2040, our goal is to have positively impacted 2 million farmers and 5 million families through supporting their livelihoods and encouraging sustainable agricultural practices.

Our why and who we are

After growing truffles and producing olive oil in the sunny Valencia, we noticed first hand the difficulties around us to gain market access, and started experimenting with agritourism, like a farm stay and km0. While Mark and Ana are experienced in farming and Ana as livestock vet, Juan grew up in a little Spanish farmers village and with his computer science background decided to unite to build Farmlike together.

Join the community

Although Farmlike is for any age, we believe that especially the young generation needs to know the story behind the farmer, as farmers are disappearing rapidly and the young generation is needed to help us keep up with the growing demand of food supply. Joining Farmlike is not about us, it’s about changing the food value chain aligned with SDG 12 to a more local, equal and connected system for everyone!

Benefits: Adventurous families

”Access to diverse and authentic farm experiences.” – ”No more endless searching on the web, but convenience and time-saving.” – ”Enhanced safety, reliability and a place to nurture memories for young and old.” – ”Buy directly from the farm, km0”

Benefits: The innovative farmer

”Increased visibility and local market access.” – ”Direct communication and customer Engagement’.’ – ”Streamlined booking and multifunctional agritourism software.”

The Movement

While our food prices are sky rocketing, farmers have difficulty to keep up with all rising costs. We need to change our mindsets to help farmers on their agritourism mission, sleep more often at a farm stay, buy food directly from the farm, km0. Nurture the places where our food comes from.

With Farmlike you don’t only enjoy fresh produce directly from the source, but enjoy: ..meetings in nature, teambuilding at the farm, U-pick events. Farm weddings, sleeping at the farm, farm-to-table experienes. Farm photography, hiking and cycling to the farm, farm stays. – just to name a few.

Farmlike in publications

Farmlike appeared several times in the news? Read further about the story of Farmlike, exploring agritourism, buying local directly from the farm to fight inflation…


How It Works?

Farmlike is an incredibly user-friendly application that seamlessly connects you with local products from the farm, farmers, farm stays, and much more. All within the convenience of your mobile device. With just a few taps, this remarkable app enables you to establish direct communication with farmers, right at your fingertips.

Download the app

Behind every farmer there is a story to tell. We help you get connected with the incredible stories of local farms. Download the app to find out more.

Get surprised

When the app is downloaded, you can see which farmers are living in your area or the area you wish to visit.

Select products and experiences

Select the product or activity in your area and reserve your spot via the In-app booking system.

Our Team

Meet Our Co-Founder

Mark is running a farm together with his wife Ana, where he is producing Olive oil, and recently planted truffles.

Mark started to explore opportunities to diversify and came across the magical world of multifunctional agriculture. Together with his business background, decided to build Farmlike to help other farmers to get more out of their land and spaces.

team image

Mark Giller


Welcome to the Farmlike!

Let’s explore the world of Agritourism with any kind of farm stay, promoting the km0 movement.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have some more questions? Perhaps you can find them here!

I’m a farmer. Can I be part of Farmlike?

Absolutely! You have the incredible opportunity to become a valued member of Farmlike. Irrespective of your location, Farmlike warmly welcomes individuals from all around the globe. There is place for vertical farmers, biological farmers, regenerative farmers, and everyone that embraces farm diversification, likes to sell locally, or wants to connect with their multifunctional services.

All that is required to join our community is a smartphone at your disposal. Simply follow the links provided above and commence your journey by downloading the app!

I’m interested in local food and or farm experiences. Is Farmlike for me?

Certainly! Embrace the convenience of Farmlike, as it empowers you to engage effortlessly with the nearest farms in your vicinity. Waste no time and seize the opportunity to join the esteemed Farmlike family by swiftly downloading the application today!

I can’t find my farm in the app. Why is that?

To ensure your seamless participation in Farmlike, kindly ensure that you have successfully registered through the intuitive iOS or Android app. Should you encounter any difficulty in locating your farm on the map, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Utilize the convenient form provided below to contact our dedicated support team, who will be more than happy to assist you.

I am not sure how this works. Do you have a tutorial?

Yes, we do! You can watch our tutorial on Youtube

Does the app also come in other languages?

We currently have the app available in 5 languages. It is automatically changed to the preferred language in the settings of your telephone.

Can we book someone from the Farmlike team as presenter or workshops?

Definitely. We are happy to help you bring agritourism and multifunctional farm concepts to the next level. If you are a DMO, tourism board, local government, or farm association – Let’s talk!

Could you also assist us with agritourism product development?

Definitely. We are happy to help you bring agritourism and multifunctional farm concepts to the next level, by aligning your interests with all local stakeholders. If you are a DMO, tourism board, local government, or farm association – Let’s talk!

We are looking for a Farmlike app with own brand identity, could you help?

Definitely. We understand the value of maintaining brand identity, and therefore we offer a special service for farm associations, tourism boards, agri business to connect with customers. B2B, B2C & G2B

There is a product or activity missing in the app? Can that be added?

Sure! Please fill in the contact form below if you are providing a service or if you sell unique farm products. We will make sure it will be added to the app so you tell the full story of your farm to your target audience.

We are organizing an open farm day, does your app also supports that?


Within our app we are able to make sure your open farm day goes as planned and reaches your target audience. Not only will the visitors benefit from the open farm day, but they are able to stay connected!

Do you also make sustainable tourism strategies for destinations and events?

In line with our mission, due to our expertise in agritourism and sustainable tourism we selected the best expert network around us, which makes us help you calculate and certify your carbon footprint, and guide you on a carbon neutral future.

Do you have any feedback to make our app experience better?

If you have feedback to make our app a better product, or if you have any related suggestions? Feel free to reach out!

I align with your core values, and would like to explore partnership opportunities.

We welcome everybody to join us on this mission to work together to make farm diversification as easy and common as ordering a pizza. Join us on a mission to increase our reach and impact!

Still have a question? Ask your question here